Employers to be Banned from Requesting Salary History from Applicants
July 26, 2019Under a recently signed bill, employers in New Jersey will soon be banned from asking job applicants to reveal their salary history. Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver signed the bill on Thursday in effort to promote equal pay for women and minorities in the state. The law, which will go into effect in six months, also prohibits employers from asking about commissions and benefits history. Employers who violate the law are subject to a $1000 fine for the first offense, $5000 for the second offense, and $10,000 for each additional violation. Governor Phil Murphy already banned the practice in the state government by signing an executive order last year.
Many experts believe that requesting job applicants to disclose their salary history perpetuates discriminatory pay disparities. Women and minorities are historically paid less than their Caucasian, male counterparts, a practice most agree is unfair and should be illegal. Employees who may have been subject to discrimination in the past should not be denied the ability to earn a fair wage at their next place of employment.
If your employer fails to pay you a fair wage, contact a South Jersey wage dispute lawyer at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. We will ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation that you deserve. Call us at 215-569-1999 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We proudly represent clients throughout South Jersey from our offices in Philadelphia and Pennsauken, New Jersey.