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Workplace Discrimination vs. Harassment: What’s the Difference?

Contact the Cherry Hill Discrimination Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C.

Your employer’s conduct could affect numerous aspects of your employer. Both federal and state laws prohibit discrimination on the job. Discrimination can include actions that relate to hiring, firing, promotions, and job benefits. Harassment is also a form of illegal discrimination that can harm your work experience. If you have been the victim of discrimination […]

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What Are the Rights of Pregnant Employees at Work?

The Experienced South Jersey Discrimination Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Offer Trusted Legal Guidance to Pregnant Employees

Even though pregnant employees are protected by several laws designed to prevent discrimination and promote equality in the workplace, many are still treated unfairly. The discrimination can be present during the hiring process and in other employment decisions. Pregnant employees have certain rights in the workplace so if you or a family member are facing […]

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How to File a Disability Discrimination Complaint?

South Jersey Employment Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Assist Clients with Disability Discrimination Complaints

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is against the law to discriminate against another person based on a disability. Unfortunately, this occurs far too often in the workplace. Employees with disabilities continue to experience a range of discriminatory behavior from employers, including harassment, denied promotions and salary increases, refusing to allow time […]

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What Is Gender Pay Discrimination?

Our South Jersey Workplace Discrimination Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Will Help if You Have Experienced Gender Pay Discrimination

In the modern workforce, equal pay for equal work should be a given. However, gender pay discrimination exists, and it is a pervasive issue that affects many workers. It is an unlawful practice that stems from the unjust differences in pay between men and women who perform the same or similar jobs. Gender pay discrimination, also […]

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Addressing Unconscious Gender Bias in the Workplace

Our South Jersey Discrimination Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Will Help You Understand Your Rights

In the professional landscape of South Jersey and beyond, a silent yet significant issue persists—unconscious gender bias. This subtle yet deeply ingrained prejudice impacts workplace decisions, attitudes, and behaviors, often leading to gender-based discrimination and inequality. Unconscious gender bias, often referred to as implicit gender bias, is the automatic and unintentional assumptions made about individuals based […]

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What Are the Factors for Disability Discrimination?

A South Jersey Discrimination Lawyer at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Will Protect Your Rights

Regardless of their physical or mental abilities, every worker should have the opportunity to contribute and succeed. Sadly, this is not always the reality. Disability discrimination, an underhanded form of bias that sidelines individuals with impairments, continues to infiltrate our workplaces. It stifles equal opportunity, inhibits productivity, and undermines our shared human dignity. Understanding Disability […]

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What Is Marital Status Discrimination?

marital status discrimination in the workplace

In New Jersey, workers have a right to fair treatment regardless of their marital status. However, some employees may face discrimination based on whether they are single, married, divorced, or widowed. This is known as marital status discrimination. Marital status discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee or potential employee differently because of their […]

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What Industries Is Age Discrimination Most Prevalent?

workplace discrimination

In New Jersey, countless hardworking individuals strive to make a living in various industries. It is unfortunate, however, that some of these very people often face discrimination at their workplace due to their age. Ageism, a particularly insidious form of discrimination, can be challenging to identify and even more difficult to combat. Ageism, at its […]

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What Is the Fair Standards Labor Act?

Our South Jersey Discrimination Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Can Protect Your Rights

Members of the LGBT community may face unique challenges in the workplace. This includes discrimination, which can manifest in many forms, even as subtle as unpaid overtime. One of the key legal protections is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA is a federal law that provides labor rights to employees in the United […]

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Elementary School Principal Alleges Age, Gender, and Race Discrimination

work discrimination

The Whiting Elementary School principal has filed a lawsuit against the Manchester school superintendent, alleging repeated age, gender, and race discrimination for more than a year, along with attempts to force retirement and retaliation for filing a grievance. The plaintiff has worked for the school district since 1999, becoming principal of Whiting Elementary in July […]

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