Cherry Hill Sexual Harassment Lawyers: When Should You Contact a Lawyer?
February 1, 2017When a co-worker’s suggestive comments or distasteful jokes make you uncomfortable, how do you know when it is time to talk to a lawyer about sexual harassment? Workers experiencing sexual harassment in New Jersey —and throughout the country – often fear retribution if they report it to their employer. Though workplace sexual harassment is illegal and creates a hostile work environment, it often goes unreported because victims do not know they can fight it without being fired.
Before you file a sexual harassment claim at work, you may have a lot of concerns. Should you respond to the offensive behavior on your own or talk to a supervisor? If you report the behavior will your career suffer? Is what you are experiencing even sexual harassment at all? An experienced sexual harassment lawyer will answer all of these questions, ensuring that you report the behavior the proper way while protecting your rights.
How a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Can Help
Initially, a sexual harassment lawyer will establish if what you are experiencing is sexual harassment. Federal law considers sexual harassment to be unwelcome advances, requests, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Not every offensive comment is actually considered sexual harassment – in the eyes of the law.
Once your lawyer determines you are the victim of sexual harassment, they will assist you in reporting it to the proper supervisor, with the proper documentation. Every workplace has its own reporting policy. Not following proper protocol can jeopardize your case, which is why the assistance of an experienced employment lawyer is so important.
After documenting harassment and reporting it to a supervisor, a sexual harassment lawyer monitors your employer’s response to the claim. They protect your rights if the behavior continues, or if you experience any retaliation for reporting it. You cannot be excluded from meetings, events, or opportunities because you decided to fight sexual harassment. Your lawyer is prepared to take any necessary action if your rights are violated or if your employer fails to act according to the law.
Cherry Hill Sexual Harassment Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Fight for Victims of Sexual Harassment
In some cases of sexual harassment, an employer fails to adequately address the issue, or may even punish the victim for reporting the behavior. Cherry Hill sexual harassment lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. can file a discrimination charge with the appropriate state or federal agency if your employer fails to handle your concerns effectively. Every employee deserves to work in an environment free of discrimination and harassment, and sexual harassment lawyers work tirelessly to make that happen. Sidney L. Gold & Associates are dedicated to helping clients resolve their employment law issues throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. Call our offices at 215-569-1999 or complete our convenient online contact form to get started.