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South Jersey Employment Lawyers: Increase in Minimum Wage on Horizon

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 Wage IncreaseA United States congressman from New Jersey and several state political figures, including a state senator and assemblyman, are working together in an attempt to raise the minimum wage in New Jersey to $15.00 an hour. It was announced in early February of 2016 that a bill would be put before the state Assembly and the New Jersey Senate proposing to amend the state’s constitution to guarantee a $15.00 per hour minimum wage. The bills, if passed, would increase the minimum wage in New Jersey gradually over a period of time and would also produce tax incentives to small businesses who pay their employees more than the minimum wage.

South Jersey Congressman Donald Norcross has taken the lead on the issue and has been adamant that he wants to fight to make a $15.00 minimum wage federal law so that all 50 states would have to follow it. The congressman went on to say that trying to get a minimum wage hike in New Jersey through the United States Congress would take a very long time and consist of an extremely bitter fight. It was for this very reason that the congressman teamed up with the New Jersey State Senate President, urging him to put a similar bill before his state’s senate where he believes actual progress could be made. By proposing an amendment to the New Jersey constitution, the bill would go through the state’s senate and the current governor would be unable to veto it. Supporters of the bill knew that a traditional bill would not work because the Governor Christie does not agree with the minimum wage hike.

New Jersey’s minimum wage is currently higher than the federal minimum wage, even though that is most likely due to inflation. In 2015, 14 cities or counties in seven states decided to increase their minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. This year, at least 16 states will be increasing minimum wages, but not quite to the $15.00 mark. The momentum in the past two years towards increasing minimum wages throughout the country has not simply been loud; it has actually made a considerable difference.

South Jersey Employment Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates Defend and Protect Employees and Their Rights

If you, a loved one or someone you know is facing an employment law issue or has been discriminated against at work based on sex, race, age, religion, gender or anything else, call our team of qualified and seasoned South Jersey employment lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates. We have been advocating on behalf of employees throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York for more than three decades. If you have been a victim at the hands of an unfair, unlawful and unjust employer, you deserve both justice and compensation.

Call us at 215-569-1999 or contact us online to schedule a consultation today.

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