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Homophobic Discrimination Alleged by NJ State Troopers

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state trooper

Two veteran New Jersey State Troopers allege, in a lawsuit against the agency, that they have experienced discrimination for their sexual orientation for their more than 20 year careers there.

The two troopers, both lieutenants who joined the agency in 2001, now work in a new unit with the mission of making the state police inclusive. They allege multiple incidents of homophobic behavior in their own careers. One trooper is a gay man and the other is a gay, Black woman who said she has also experienced racial discrimination.

Both experienced insulting comments and were concerned about their ability to move forward in their careers due to their sexual orientation.

Treating an employee differently based on his or her sexual orientation is sexual orientation discrimination. If your employer treats you differently or discriminates against you because of it,  your employer may be violating the law.

Many U.S. states, including New Jersey, have laws that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination in both private and public workplaces. A  number of federal, state and local laws have been passed or are under consideration that prohibit discrimination against individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity in  the employment process, including: hiring, promotions, benefits, compensation, job training and job assignments.

Cherry Hill employment lawyer Sidney L. Gold,  advocates for individuals suffering discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity  and has over 40 years of successful trial experience defending employment discrimination and civil rights cases. If you believe you are the victim of sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination in the workplace, call the Philadelphia employment law firm of Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. today at 856-245-5737, or contact us online.

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