Class Action Lawsuits in the Tech Field
September 6, 2017When an individual faces sexual harassment or another form of gender discrimination at work, the presumed logical step for that individual to take is to file a discrimination claim to have the issue resolved. However, many sexual harassment victims do not file lawsuits, and instead leave their jobs or continue to face harassment in their current positions. There are many different reasons why workers choose not to file sexual harassment claims, such as a fear of retaliation, a workplace culture that encourages victims to keep quiet, and a sense that they somehow “deserved” their treatment or that the harassment is acceptable.
Workers should understand that sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace is never acceptable. An article published by Business Insider called for individuals to file class action lawsuits instead of individual ones. This advice comes in the wake of the controversy regarding a memo opposing corporate diversity efforts at Google and the ongoing gender discrimination lawsuits against Microsoft and Twitter.
How Class Action Lawsuits Can Help Sexual Harassment Victims
The two lawsuits mentioned above are class action lawsuits. Class actions lawsuits are claims made by a group of victims against a common party. According to some, these are the most efficient way to address the systemic issue of gender discrimination in the tech sector. While it can be easy to dismiss an individual’s claim of discriminatory hiring or promotion practices, it is much more difficult for large companies and the industry as a whole to ignore class action lawsuits.
According many experts in the tech field, women in tech need to take the lead in changing the industry’s culture. The industry will not police itself without dynamic input from the people within it.
The Tech Industry’s Culture and its Relation to Lawsuit Success
Furthermore, there are cultural issues and standard practices in the tech industry that dissuade gender discrimination victims from filing discrimination and harassment claims. One issue is that many tech workers have language in their employment contracts that discourages them from taking legal action when they face discrimination. Another issue is the deeply ingrained cultural practice of internalizing one’s successes and failures rather than blaming others in the tech industry. A worker’s individual merit is an important part of their brand and their marketability, and many workers in this field equate discrimination claims and speaking up against destructive practices with blaming others and discrediting themselves.
South Jersey Sexual Harassment Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Represent Victims Seeking Compensation and Justice
If you are facing sexual harassment in your workplace, speak with a South Jersey sexual harassment lawyer as soon as possible to determine the best course of action for your case. You have the right to take action to make the harassment stop. Fill out our online form or call 215-569-1999 today to schedule your initial consultation with a member of Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. Our office is located in Philadelphia and we work with clients from Pennsylvania and New Jersey.